Cloud configuration

Common Configuration

Primary Operating Mode

  • 1.Organize, Create NFO, Download Img The video file will be moved to the target directory, an NFO file will be generated in the target directory, and two cover images will be downloaded, and the video file will be renamed as Video name.Year.Suffix name
    If you set the Scraping Folder to be the same as the Output Folder in Client Local Configuration, you can organize and generate NFO files and download images under the original folder

  • Keep original naming with Organize The video file will be moved to the target directory, an NFO file will be generated in the target directory, and two cover images will be downloaded without renaming the video.

  • 2.Organize Based on Location Rules Move movie files to target directory using location rules only

  • 3.Update existing NFO and Images Update the existing NFO files and pictures in the target directory according to the Update mode NFO file validity period (days) in the cloud configuration. The validity period is calculated from the creation time of the NFO files and pictures.

  • 4.Scrape in place Generate NFO files directly in the folder where the video is located, and download two cover images

  • 5.Scrape and rename in place Generate the NFO file directly in the folder where the video is located, download the two cover images, and rename the video file to Video name.Year.Suffix name

Download Missing Images Only

Applicable to 3.Update existing NFO and Images in the main running mode. Only the missing images will be downloaded, and existing images won't be overwritten again.

Actor-Only Tag

When turned on, the <tag> field of the metadata file with the .NFO extension will only be filled with the actor's name.

Anonymous Fill

After turning it on, if there is no actor information in the metadata obtained, it will be automatically filled in as Anonymous

Search Websites Configuration

It may not be possible to obtain complete data on a single website. Therefore, the deep search function will visit the websites set in the Search Website Order in sequence. The program will continue searching until data is obtained in the Deep Search Fields or all specified websites are traversed, Implementing data aggregation

  • Turning it on will extend the file processing and completion sleep time.
    It may trigger anti-crawl on some websites.


  • Optional fields

Fill in the 32-bit TMDB API KEY, and you can get more detailed scraping information after filling it in. For the application tutorial, you can search on Google for TMDB API KEY application

File scanning exclusion configuration

Exclude folders

Exclude this folder when scanning. If there are multiple folders, use ,, for example aa,bb,cc

Naming rule settings

titlefilm title
original_titleOriginal title (untranslated title)
releaseRelease date
yearYear of release
numberVideo number
covercover link
prefixmumber prefix

The above parameters are called variables below.

Custom rule method

Do not use characters such as % $ &

  • genres/title
  • actor/[number]-title
  • actor/number
  • #actor/number

Folder location Rule

After the media file is processed, it will be output to the path set by this setting.

Media File Naming Rule

The naming rules after media file processing is completed. If the Primary Operating Mode is Keep original naming with Organize, the changed setting will not take effect.

Media File Naming with Extension

After the media file is successfully processed, it will be opened with a suffix such as -4K -VR -C

Metadata file title naming rules

This is the naming rule for the <title> field in the NFO file. It has nothing to do with the file name and folder name. It is used to display the title in Emby, Jellyfin, and Plex.

##Delete the specified characters in the title Delete the specified characters in the title. If you enter \(), the \() characters in the title will be deleted.

Exclude characters for number extraction

When extracting the number, eliminate characters that interfere with the extracted number and separate them with ,, for example,,

Watermark Configuration

Watermark Type

  • The reference watermark text language is English


X Style

Field conversion settings

Custom field mapping table

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